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"Io Credo.. Che Siamo Tutti Collebati"
                     "I Believe... that we are all linked"


My Practicum Project


Whether you believe in a better future, in equality, that we are all united as children of God, or even in Orson Welles, it is pretty beautiful to be reminded that no matter where you go, we are really not so different.


My Objective:

My objective for this project was to extend our HWS I Believe to incorporate a global perspective. I engaged in a conversation with about 40 diverse individuals about their “I Believe” statement(s) and stories and documented them to create a project that reflects the beliefs and core values that guide the daily lives of individuals throughout the world. I focused on discovering the core beliefs of people in other countries (primarily Italy). I asked people to complete the statement: “I believe____.” The responses were recorded and were then presented in one the format of still photographs. 


My Statement: 

I approached each individual that I interviewed with this statement (I translated this statement in Italian to use when needed)

I am a student at Hobart & William Smith Colleges, from New York, USA. As part of my studies I am exploring things or ideas that people believe in about change in the world. I would like to include you in my study. If you are willing to help me, please tell me something you believe in. As an example, you might say you believe that it is important that there are artist, or that you believe in the importance of science. You might also say you believe in happiness, or love or good food. It is what you think or believe in that is important to you, to who you are. I would like you to give me one short statement, and then I would like you take a few minutes to explain it to me.






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